Join our club
Application for membership is subject to the approval of the Lancashire Road Club Committee.
Membership runs from 1st of January to the 31st December each year.
There is no pro rata reduction for when you apply for membership during the year.
Refunds are not available.
For Household, first claim membership for both partners of a household and their nominated children under 18 on the 1st January.
Use one of the two options below
1. PayPal
Senior Race: £20

Senior Non Race: £15

Household: £15

Second Claim: £15

2. British Cycling

3. Select the type of membership you require, by pressing the “Buy Membership” button:

4. You will then be prompted to log-in to your British Cycling Account (if you do not have one, you can create one during the process). Once you have logged in, you can purchase your membership by following the instructions on screen.
5. The Club Membership Secretary will receive details of your membership request and once activated you will be able view your own British Cycling Dashboard.